Empowering Communities. Changing Lives.

Let’s all work together to have a very Happy New Year!

We can do so much more when we all work together! We have the opportunity every day to make a change for the better. A decision or an action that you have thought about can begin anytime you choose to act. So, let’s get to work! We have all said, wait until the beginning of the year and then I will do that! Well here it is and maybe you’ve also come to think about who you can work with to get that goal accomplished. When we have the support of a team, the likelihood of getting the job done increases. The first step in accomplishing anything is to develop a plan. We have to acknowledge that no one individual is as strong as a collective group of people coming together to get the goal accomplished. 

Here at the Urban League, we are constantly reminded that we are only as strong as our weakest link. In order for us to have success in helping our clients, we must work together to support each other in creating a great client plan to ensure a positive outcome for that individual. It’s important because the individual is connected to the family, the family is connected to the community. The Urban Leagues goal is to help make our city stronger, one citizen at a time. But we can’t do it alone. We need talented and passionate employees, quality facilities and equipment, strong leadership, sincere financial supporters, collaborators with power and influence and, volunteers. Volunteers are those individuals that understand the impact they can have on a community when they come together and collectively give of their time, talent and resources to help those in need.
For many years I have spoken about the Urban League Young Professionals and The Guild. The Urban League is fortunate to have these built in Volunteer Auxiliaries (which you can join) as part of our organizational structure. They understand their efforts on behalf of those in need are directly tied to the success that lies within all people if given an opportunity to overcome the challenges they face 
The Houston Area Urban League utilizes its volunteers (HAULYP - Houston, DFWULYP-Dallas/Fort Worth Area, and HAUL GUILD) to supplement the work of the Urban League staff. The Urban League staff works daily, to help people get jobs, acquire homes, start businesses, and advance in education. This holiday season our Guild member (Joan Green, Volunteer of the Year) was recognized for her efforts for HAUL and won a contest that yielded the Urban League $5,000.00 from the Houston Texans Foundation and BHP. Our HAULYP volunteers, partnered with friends like Phillips 66, HEB, Shape Center, Operation Love, Pass the Bread and many other friends in collective volunteering. Although our volunteers work year around, nearly 900 families were assisted in the months of November and December of 2020 thanks to these partnerships. 110 HAULYP Volunteers gave of their time, accumulating over 373 hours of time given to others in need of help. They do this without reward or pay. They do it because community matters, and they wanted to give back. They developed a plan of action, came together to execute and impacted the lives of those that needed help.

Tough times remain on the horizon and the needs will continue in 2021. Please consider joining us in our efforts. Remember we are stronger together! Let’s all work together to have a very Happy New Year!

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