Empowering Communities. Changing Lives.

Donate to


Empowering Communities. Changing Lives.

Ways to Give

Give by Mail

To make a donation via check, please make the check payable to:

Houston Area Urban League

ATTN: Fund Development

1301 Texas Ave,

Houston, TX 77002

Matching Gifts

Many companies match donations their employees make to support good work in communities and to ensure they have active corporate social responsibility. Approximately $2-3 billion is donated annually through matching gift programs.

You Can Double Your Gift in 3 Easy Steps:

(1) Process your donation

(2) Contact your HR Department about your company's matching gift policy

(3) Send the completed form to the Houston Area Urban League for verification 

See if your employer will match your donation!

Did you know some companies will match a spouse’s donation even if that spouse is not a direct employee?

Did you know some companies will match each recurring gift you make, including payroll deductions as well?

Please submit forms via email attention: Ms. Anita Bates at (713) 393-8783 or abates@haul.org.

Give by Stock Transfer

Giving More Via Stock Donations

Donating appreciated stock is one of the easiest ways to give more to the cause you care about!

Your stock donation is a great way to support our mission, provide an income tax deduction for the full market value and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value.

Donating stock helps reduce your future tax burden and can help you impact underserved urban communities at less cost.

Stock Account Information:

Broker/Dealer Name: LPL Financial DTC # 0075

Receiving Account Number: 6094-4333

Receiving Account Registration: Houston Area Urban League

Anita Bates

Director of Fund Development

Houston Area Urban League

For additional information, please contact Anita Bates at (713) 393-8783 or abates@haul.org.

Give by Donor Advises Funds

Become a Donor-Advisor

What is a donor-advised fund?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities.

DAF Infographic

How It Works

Use the below widget to establish your DAF by making an irrevocable, tax-deductible donation to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.

  • Advise the investment allocation of the donated assets (any investment growth is tax-free)
  • Recommend grants directly to the Houston Area Urban League
Logo DAF Direct
--Please select-- Fidelity Charitable Schwab Charitable BNY Mellon


Simplicity – The DAF sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.

Flexibility – The timing of your tax deduction can be separate from your charitable decision-making.

Tax-efficiency – Contributions are tax-deductible, and any investment growth in the DAF is tax-free. It is also easy to donate long-term appreciated securities, eliminating capital gains taxes and allowing you to support multiple charities from one block of stock.

Family legacy – A DAF is a powerful way to build or continue a tradition of family philanthropy. No start-up costs – There is no cost to establish a donor-advised fund. However, there are often minimum initial charitable contributions to establish the DAF (typically $5,000 or more).** No transaction fees – Once approved, 100% of your recommended grant goes to your qualified public charity of choice.**

Privacy if desired – Donors may choose to remain anonymous to the grant recipient.

For more information, please contact Anita Bates at (713) 393-8783 or abates@haul.org.

Legacy/Planned Giving

Join Our Legacy Circle

Make An Impact

Add the Houston Area Urban League as a beneficiary for your Life Insurance, Will, or Living Trust.  Making a charitable bequest is a simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure we can continue our work for years to come.

Choose a planned giving option that works best for you:

1. Naming Houston Area Urban League in your will

2. Making Houston Area Urban League a beneficiary in your donor-advised fund, life-insurance policy, or retirement plan

3. Granting Houston Area Urban League gifts of stock, setting up trusts or annuities.

Your gift will support our work for generations.

For more information, please contact Anita Bates at 713-393-8783 or abates@haul.org.


Already have a Will or are in the process of making one? 

Follow these 4 Simple Steps to Legacy Giving:

  1. Email the Houston Area Urban League of your intent via abates@haul.org
  2. Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
  3. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like the Houston Area Urban League to receive along with the chosen percentage on the beneficiary form.
  4. Return the necessary completed form(s) to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution.

If you have questions about naming the Houston Area Urban League as a beneficiary in your will, please contact Ms. Anita Bates at (713) 393-8783 or abates@haul.org.

Equal Opportunity Day Gala

o  $100,000 - Industry Exclusive Event Sponsor

1.     Company representative to make comments at Gala

2.     Prominent logo placement on the invitation, gala video, event program, website, and printed materials

3.     Online social media promotion

4.     Logo signage at the Reception and EOD Gala

5.     Logo on the event website with a link

6.     Listing in the HAUL Annual Report

7.     Two preferred tables at the EOD Gala (20 seats)

8.     10 valet parking passes

9.     Opportunity to provide logo promo items to each guest

o  $50,000 - Legacy Presenting Sponsor

1.     Identification as Presenting Entertainment Sponsor

2.     Optional introduction of Gala entertainment

3.     Prominent logo placement on the invitation, gala video, and event program

4.     2-minute speaking opportunity at Pre-Gala Reception

5.     Online social media promotion

6.     Logo on the event website with a link

7.     Listing in the HAUL Annual Report

8.     10 reception drink tickets

9.     5 valet parking passes

o  $25,000 - Empowerment Sponsor

1.     Listed as Sponsor of Pre-Gala Reception

2.     2-minute speaking opportunity at Pre-Gala Reception

3.     Company name/logo on the invitation, gala video, and event program

4.     Online social media promotion

5.     Logo on the event website with a link

6.     Listing in the HAUL Annual Report

7.     One table at EOD Gala (10 seats)

8.     5 valet parking passes

o  $15,000 - Visionary Sponsor

1.     Company name/logo on the invitation, gala video, and event program

2.     Listing in the HAUL Annual Report

3.     Online social media promotion

4.     One table at EOD Gala (10 seats)

o  $10,000 - Advocate Sponsor

1.     Company name/logo on the invitation, gala video, and event program

2.     Listing in the HAUL Annual Report

3.     One table at EOD Gala (10 seats)

o  $5,000 - Sustaining Sponsor (Sold Out)

1.     Company name/logo on the invitation, gala video, and event program

2.     Listing in the HAUL Annual Report

3.     One table at EOD Gala (10 seats)

o  Individual Ticket - $1,000

Give by Debit or Credit Card

Lease Payments

To make a monthly lease payment or one-time event space rental fee payment, please use the button below.

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