Empowering Communities. Changing Lives.

Empowering Communities.

Changing Lives.

Our Core Initiatives


People reached for Get Out The Count & Get Out The Vote (2020)


Served through mentoring, academic achievement, college and career awareness, and family & community engagement.


Served through Small Business University, One on One Mentoring


Served with access to healthcare and food assistance.

Housing Assistance Programs by HAUL
Housing & Social Services


Served with homebuying education, rental counseling, veterans and surviving family support.

Workforce Development & Training Programs by the Houston Area Urban League
Workforce Development & Training


Served with Employment & Core Skills Training, Workforce Occupational Skills.

Around the League

First Time Home Buyers

Register For Orientation

Workforce Training

Events & Trainings

Advocacy U

RSVP Today

Health & Wellness

View our Programs

Entrepreneurship Center

View our Programs

Education & Youth Development

RSVP Today

Welcome to Your Houston Area Urban League

Since 1968, we have been committed to protecting the interests of those who have been put aside, dismissed, and marginalized throughout the history of our nation. Our organization has been a symbol of resistance for everyday people. Who’s the everyday person? It’s the person trying to protect their civil rights and liberties. The person beginning their entrepreneurial journey and is looking to invigorate their local economy. It’s the person yearning to improve, in mind, body, and spirit. It's also for the person willing to advocate for the disadvantaged and underrepresented. Essentially, the League is for the entire community. We battle for the community. We uphold the community in every way possible. HAUL works to provide all those who come through our doors the power of economic self-reliance, the power of justice, education, and advocacy.

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